Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Moving from FIND to PLAY

Before I tell you about my PLAY stage I want to show you how I moved from the insights gained in my research to picking the ideas that I wanted to carry forward. Basically my strongest ideas and the ones I was most interested in were those to do with creating environments to do with travel. From the day chatting to the designers I found that this was the area I should focus on in PLAY.

In my cultural probe pack I asked people to take photos of parts of their journey they enjoy and parts they don't. This image below along with results from several questionnaires -telling me people love to look out the window and relax when travelling- helped me to form my ideas about recreating an experience.

These insights helped me to produce the ideas about the environment as seen in my previous blogs. There were several on bringing travel home where people could view live footage on their computers or projected onto windows or on screens around the house. This also led to the ideas on changing the current travel experience. Trying to make the daily journey to work more enjoyable by projecting images onto stations ceilings, or creating platforms made from natural, earth materials. Although I liked the strange contrast bringing the outside-in would create in these spaces, I decided to focus on bringing travel into the home.

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